Digital Initiatives

Galvanize Software Development Immersive (SDI)

Phoenix Spark and Galvanize have partnered to give Travis Airmen the opportunity to learn software development skills in a 12-week immersive program. The program is designed to give students the skills and experience to be successful in the software development industry. Students will learn the fundamentals of software development, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Postgres, and React. Students will also learn how to work in a team environment, how to communicate effectively, and how to present their work to an audience. The program will culminate in a final project that will be presented to the wider USAF and United States Space Force (USSF) Travis communities.

In-House Software Development Courses

This Digital Initiative is currently under construction.

Phoenix Spark is working with the 60th Air Mobility Wing to create a software development course that will teach Airmen the fundamentals of software development. The course will be taught by Airmen who have already completed the Galvanize Software Development Immersive program, or who already have real-world experience with a given programming language. The languages taught will start out with basic JavaScript, React, HTML, and CSS, possibly expanding to cover other languages as personnel, time, and opportunity permit. The course will be taught in a classroom setting and will be open to all Airmen on Travis AFB.

Platinum Grid

Platinum Grid is a program designed to track inventory or equipment. Originally designed in Microsoft Access, Platinum Grid was redeveloped in JavaScript, CSS, and Postgres during SDI #10 as a capstone project. The program is currently being optioned by the USSF/Space Camp and USAF HAF/A4 to track satellite and aircraft part Tail Number Bin (TNB) information, respectively. While not yet deployed for wider use, Platinum Grid's ability to generate QR-codes from entered data to better enable part and equipment tracking has the potential to transform the supply system.

Microsoft PowerApps Development

This Digital Initiative is currently under construction.

Microsoft PowerApps enables in-house, bespoke solutions for work center issues that can be resolved through digital means. Whether this is the sharing of documents between sections, to creating a Petrol, Oil, and Lubrication (POL) dashboard to ensure aircraft receive fuel in a timely manner, to establishing a centrally available shift turnover log, PowerApps can be used to solve a wide variety of problems. Phoenix Spark is developing a PowerApps training course to better leverage this tool set to make life easier at Travis AFB.

Modernize your Software & Digital Talent

Help us to create an environment within the US military and government at large where any service member or government civilian can become educated and enabled to contribute to the software that runs their lives & the lives of the people they represent, whether through code, product ownership, design, or elsewhere, in a manner that brings programmatic decision authority to the people who are closest to the mission.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If I don't have any coding experience can I still partake in the Digital Initiatives?

Yes! Your experience, or inexperience, in coding is not a barrier to entry. We will teach you the fundamentals of coding, and you will have the opportunity to learn from your peers and instructors. We will also provide you with the opportunity to learn from the best in the industry, and to network with them. 

Where can I go to learn more about coding before taking the Phoenix Spark aptitude assessment?

Checkout Free Code Camp to begin your journey. Alternatively, search for "free coding courses" and take whichever program strikes your fancy!